Fruity red cabbage soup with pears

Sweet and fruity pears and physalis go wonderfully well with aromatic red cabbage – an unusual recipe for a soup that vegetarians will love too.

  • 30 Minuten
  • easy
  • 4 Persons

The beginning

Add the stock to a saucepan. Prepare the fennel: wash the fennel bulb, dry it off and remove the root base and the green stalks. Cut the bulb in half, remove the core and cut the fennel into thin slices.

Ingredients: vegetable stock, fennel


Cooking the fennel

Heat up the stock, add the fennel slices and cook for 4-5 minutes.

Ingredients: stock, fennel


Preparing the pears and the physalis

Peel the pears and cut into quarters. Remove the core. Then cut the pear quarters into wedges. Remove the dry leaves of the physalis and cut the fruits in half.

Ingredients: pear, physalis


Adding the red cabbage

Add the red cabbage with apple to the stock and heat it up for 4-5 minutes. During the final minute, add the pear wedges and the halved physalis. Add extra salt, pepper or herbs to taste. If necessary add a little more stock.

Ingredients: red cabbage, pear, physalis, salt, pepper


The finishing touch

Pour the soup into soup bowls and finish off by adding 1-2 tablespoons of reduced fat crème fraîche to each bowl.

Ingredients: créme fraiche


800 ml vegetable stock

200 g fennel

200 g fresh pears

40 g physalis

1 jar of Mildessa red cabbage with apple (720 ml)

1 tsp finely chopped sage

1 tsp finely chopped fennel leaves

4 tbsp reduced fat crème fraîche



Red cabbage as a side dish for a roast dinner or a festive meal: that's something we all know and love.

 Red cabbage soup, whether it's served on its own or as a starter: now that's a little more unusual, but it tastes exceptionally good. This recipe for red cabbage soup is extremely delicious. Try it for yourself. It will really surprise you – and your guests. It's very straightforward to make.


At first glance, our red cabbage soup might remind you of the classic Russian soup Borscht, which is made from beetroot. And the colour really is just as spectacular as the taste. No wonder red cabbage soup is so on-trend and becoming increasingly popular. We decided that red cabbage alone was not enough. We wanted to give the soup even more nuances of flavour. The aniseed flavour of fennel goes very well with red cabbage. And together with pears and the rather more acidic physalis, it gives the red cabbage soup an especially fruity aroma.


By the way, this is the perfect soup for vegetarians – and if you replace the crème fraȋche with a plant-based alternative, then even vegans won't be able to resist.

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